What 2021 Taught Me
What 2021 taught me as
an entrepreneur & mother
I wanted to dedicate the last week of 2021 to wrapping up my business year, and dive into my vision for 2022. As so often in 2021, I spent more time on other work than nourishing my business. When it comes to moving my own business forward, there is definitely space for optimization.
Now, after two intense days full of friendship time, laughter, love and no business at all, I feel more connected than this past week, that I intentionally wanted to dedicate to my business. Which shows me again: if we want to have an aligned business, we cannot force things. Rather we should aim to create space, surrender to what we cannot change for whatever reasons and work with our energetic flows.
Gratitude for what is
Standing under the shower today, I realized how full of gratitude I am. Gratitude for being at exactly this stage of my business, all the beautiful encounters 2021 brought, gratitude for being able to feel grateful, rather than being stressed out about the things that did not happen (YET).
Because I know my vision is going to become true. Today I can feel it more than ever. And no, it wasn’t always that way. 2021 was a year that challenged me a lot and made me doubt my vision more than once.
2021 Learnings
Here is what I learned from last year:
- Have a strong foundation
In times of doubt, always come back to your why. Why are you doing what you do? What bigger picture do you have in mind for your work? Which change would you like to create? Sometimes, when starting a business, for some this is crystal clear, others grow into this why, and again others adapt their why to changes in personal values or for other reasons. And either way is totally fine. Your why should give you power. It should remind you of why you started this whole entrepreneur journey in the first place. It also helps you get back on your feet in times of doubt.
2. Be aware if something is off
Sometimes we choose clients because they seem perfect, or because it looked like a nice income stream, or because we got a secure income from this source of work. However, we feel that something is off. And there can be many reasons. While energetically we should probably throw anything that does not serve us overboard, there can be many reasons that keep us from doing so. I learned that awareness is the first step. If you can’t let go of whatever feels off, but are aware of fit, you can already feel the change. Maybe you are not ready yet to quit your job or focus on something particular in your business. That is OK. Everything has its divine timing. Being aware is the first step, followed by acceptance and change, which again, are allowed to happen in your divine timing.
3. We are all learning
At the beginning of this journey, I felt a big gap of experts, gurus, beginners, and so on. However, we are all humans, and we will all be learning our whole life – if we are open to it. While everyone has a lot of knowledge in certain areas, it does not mean that the ones who have not in that particular area are less worthy. Now, I like to see it in a way that we are all here to share some wisdom in the area we feel comfortable in or called to. While we are sharing the wisdom of one aspect, we are at the same time students of another topic. We are all teachers. And we are all students.
4. Downtime is essential
As you know, I love to talk about taking breaks. 2021 was a big teacher again that regular pausing is so necessary when building a sustainable business. Not only because we all need rest from time to time. It also helps our creativity to flow, our subconscious to talk to us, and to access our inner wisdom. If you are interested in downtime and other self-care tips, especially for female entrepreneurs, have a look at this article.
5. Connection & Encounters
Whooo, this one should actually be the first point on this list. I am so grateful for the encounters I had in 2021. There were the ones which triggered me, the ones that mirrored me and the ones that gave me support, inspiration and laughter. And seriously, one of my main 2022 manifestation vision is to strengthen and attract community. Especially after a traumatic experience in 2018 I was not really open for connections, “big surprise” only a few very persistent ones could get through to me. And I am deeply grateful that they did. As I am healing, I feel the openness coming back. Something I am very humble and happy about. Connections are one of the basic needs of us humans, this also goes for the business realm. It is just so more fun to co-create, share insights and support one another.
6. Automation of processes
This one is less emotional, yet so necessary. Even though automations might be a less sexy topic, they made me feel very professional, saved a lot of time and brain power. There is definitely still space for improvement here.
7. Motherhood & comparison
At the beginning of 2021 I was in that loop of negative self talk… not getting enough things done, not proceeding fast enough as other female entrepreneurs, not being where they were. Now, I know, I shouldn’t compare in the first place. But I am just a human and yes, sometimes the comparison loop kicks in. I am aware of this, though . It took me some time to accept, that I had chosen to be a mom. And that my family is one of my priorities. That does not mean that my business is no priority. But the time I want to spend with my family is sacred.
Also, how present I want to be, is a decision I took. Reminding me that I am a mother, too, and that I do not want to dedicate 10hrs a day to my business because I have other priorities as well, helped me to overcome (most of the time) the „being not fast enough“ thoughts. Bringing me back to that gratitude scene under the shower from the beginning of this article. Being happy with what is, as this is exactly where I am meant to be.
I am sure there were more learnings, but I leave it with that. I am curious what’s coming next. For now, I am happy to enjoy the wild ride of entrepreneurship. With all its highs and lows and in betweens.
If you feel called to start your next business steps with a profound analysis of 2021, energetic cleansing and mindset work, and are still looking for some guidance & support, take a look at my Aligned Business Presence program.
Love, Susann