
kostenfreie Ressourcen 



Übungen, Guides und Inspirationen, die dir helfen, Stress im Alltag rauszunehmen, in deine Kraft zu kommen und dein Leben so zu leben, wie du es dir wünschst, in deiner Energie und um Einklang mit dir. 

Für dich als Unternehmerin findest du hier darüber hinaus kostenfreie Angebote die dir helfen, dein Business ganzheitlich aufzubauen und zu skalieren ohne dabei auszubrennen. 



WELL-BEING: Privat & im Business

Visualisierung für 0 € – Manifestiere dein Traumleben & dein Traumbusiness

Kreiere dir ein Leben in Fülle und genau so, wie du es dir wünschst. 

Mindful Moments – 7 Tage Achtsamkeitsreise für 0 €

7 Tage E-Mailkurs mit 5-Minuten-Pausen, die dein Nervensystem regulieren und helfen, zurück in den Moment zu kommen.



Chakren-Test für 0 EUR

Finde heraus, welches deiner Chakren gerade besondere Fürsorge benötigt. 

Mehr zum Thema Chakren-Arbeit erfährst du hier. 



coming soon


Warum es sich lohnt, ganzheitlich zu leben

Beruf und Privatleben sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Bist du gestresst im Beruf, wirkt sich das auf dein Privatleben aus und umgekehrt genauso. Bist du gelassen und im Vertrauen, macht sich das ebenso bemerkbar.

Vor allem als sensibler Mensch können die Einflüsse, die in unserer schnelllebigen Welt auf uns einprasseln, leicht zu viel werden. 

Mit diesen Ressourcen gebe ich dir Inspirationen und Übungen an die Hand, die dein Leben entspannen und vereinfachen.

Als Unternehmerin erhältst du wertvolle Tools, die deinen Businessaufbau und dein Businesswachstum ganzheitlich unterstützen – mit Fachwissen und Energiearbeit, damit du dein Unternehmen im Einklang mit deinem Wesen führen kannst und dabei im Vertrauen bleibst. 

From Past Students

the success stories

Student Name One

Purus sit amet volutpat conseque maurise nunc. Sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget. At lectus urna duis convallis convallis.

Student Name Two

Purus sit amet volutpat conseque maurise nunc. Sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget. At lectus urna duis convallis convallis.

Student Name Three

Purus sit amet volutpat conseque maurise nunc. Sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget. At lectus urna duis convallis convallis.

The Freebie Content

i help other female visionaries realize their dreams

Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum. Duis ut diam quam nulla porttitor massa id neque aliquam. Turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque. Senectus etste netusere. Viver craststetees pulvinar mattis. Risus pretium lectus urna duis convale, Dui ut ornare lectus sit amet est placerat in. Fringilla urna este.

Mehr kostenfreie Ressourcen erhältst du regelmäßig in meinem Newsletter. 

Melde dich hier an. 

Folge mir auf Instagram für mehr Inspirationen.

  • Sometimes it’s a sitting inside on the floor on your favourite blanket with a book and a cup of tea kind of moment that re-centres you in the middle of the emotional storm.
Your nervoussystem is listening.
  • Some get scared in the forrest, while for others it is a haven of peace.
Our nervous systems are very individual, what’s calming for one can be triggering for the other.
Get to know your nervous system is a 4-week program that supports you in learning about your nervous system and getting individual tools to regulate it.
DM me for more information.
And uuuh: which part of nature is your ‘calm’? Let me know below
What’s your
  • It feels like nothing is moving.
I hear this a lot from my holistic business coaching clients.
If you have ever been in this cycle you know exactly how it feels: you keep doing and doing but nothing seems to move forward.
It an feel frustrating and even can cause thoughts of giving up.
In my sessions I like to compare these phases to plateaus that are essential for a sustainable business growth.
Constant growth and getting out of your comfort zone because of new scenarios keep your nervous system in high alert. And we are simply not designed to be alert ALL THE TIME.
Periods of slow are your haven to check in with you and find out what it is that is really needed. Maybe they are an invitation to just be. Maybe to recharge. Maybe to recalibrate.
Interested in 1:1 Holistic Business Coaching Sessions? November slots are opening. DM me 🍁 and I send you the details to book your free discovery call.
Sometimes it’s a sitting inside on the floor on your favourite blanket with a book and a cup of tea kind of moment that re-centres you in the middle of the emotional storm. 🤍 Your nervoussystem is listening. #emotionalbalance #wellederemotionen #nervensystem #nervoussystem #nervensystemregulieren
3 Wochen ago
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Some get scared in the forrest, while for others it is a haven of peace. Our nervous systems are very individual, what’s calming for one can be triggering for the other. Get to know your nervous system is a 4-week program that supports you in learning about your nervous system and getting individual tools to regulate it. DM me for more information. And uuuh: which part of nature is your ‘calm’? Let me know below #nervoussystem #regulateyournervoussystem #nervensystemregulation #nervensystemregulieren #nervensystem What’s your
4 Wochen ago
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It feels like nothing is moving.
I hear this a lot from my holistic business coaching clients.
If you have ever been in this cycle you know exactly how it feels: you keep doing and doing but nothing seems to move forward.
It an feel frustrating and even can cause thoughts of giving up.
In my sessions I like to compare these phases to plateaus that are essential for a sustainable business growth.
Constant growth and getting out of your comfort zone because of new scenarios keep your nervous system in high alert. And we are simply not designed to be alert ALL THE TIME.
Periods of slow are your haven to check in with you and find out what it is that is really needed. Maybe they are an invitation to just be. Maybe to recharge. Maybe to recalibrate.
Interested in 1:1 Holistic Business Coaching Sessions? November slots are opening. DM me 🍁 and I send you the details to book your free discovery call.
It feels like nothing is moving. I hear this a lot from my holistic business coaching clients. If you have ever been in this cycle you know exactly how it feels: you keep doing and doing but nothing seems to move forward. It an feel frustrating and even can cause thoughts of giving up. In my sessions I like to compare these phases to plateaus that are essential for a sustainable business growth. Constant growth and getting out of your comfort zone because of new scenarios keep your nervous system in high alert. And we are simply not designed to be alert ALL THE TIME. Periods of slow are your haven to check in with you and find out what it is that is really needed. Maybe they are an invitation to just be. Maybe to recharge. Maybe to recalibrate. Interested in 1:1 Holistic Business Coaching Sessions? November slots are opening. DM me 🍁 and I send you the details to book your free discovery call. #holisticbusinesscoaching #holisticgrowth #nachhaltigeswachstum #nervensystemimbusiness #unternehmerin
4 Wochen ago
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