How to use PR for your Soul Business
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Use Public Relations for your Soul Business
Public Relations or PR covers methods that make you and your business visible to the public. The big advantage of PR compared to classic advertising is, that the monetary investment is lower. Besides that, PR has the aim to build trust in you and your business, as well as to increase reach, while with classic advertising the focus is usually on selling something. You can implement PR with the help of a PR agency, an external PR consultant, by hiring somebody inhouse or by doing it yourself.
In this article, you will learn what PR is, which foundations you need and six hacks to integrate PR in your business communication. Additionally, I will give you examples for short- and long-term PR measures.
What is PR?
PR includes all communication measures that aim to create awareness for your business in public. The focus is on spreading your news via media or cooperations. In its broader sense your webpage content, listings of your business as well as your social media profiles are part of your PR, too. Summarized, all channels that present you and your company to the public.
It is not always about selling something. Firstly, it should be about the positive representation of your soul business to build trust and to make people identify with you, your brand, and your values.
Basics to use PR for your business
I recommend to make sure the following foundations are set up when you plan to use PR:
1. You have a solid base for your business, know exactly who you want to address with your service and/or your
2. You have your webpage or at least a Social Media Profile with clear content and strong
3. You have your press kit with the most relevant information and brand images.
4. You have a template for your press releases (in case you don’t, check out my
bonus at the end of this article).
5. You have topics that are relevant, to pitch them to the media.
Did you answer everything with “yes”? Then you are ready to start.
Short-term vs. Long-term
PR should be planned on a long-term basis. I recommend developing PR measures aligned with your business- and content strategy, mapped out for three, six, or 12 months. I usually develop a 6-12-months strategy together with my clients, along with the business targets for that time period. A lot of editorial offices plan their main topics at the beginning of the year and publish those editorial calendars in the media data section of their webpages.
You can take a look at those calendars to see, which upcoming publications might be relevant for your topic.
Besides an exciting topic, strong relations to editorial offices and consistency are important aspects, to place your story in relevant target media. All this takes time. Some magazines only have a few editions a year, others do not accept a lot of external content. Because of those and other reasons it can take a while until you see the results of your PR work.
Nevertheless, there are ways to generate short-term results. The following chart shows you examples of fast and slow PR measures.
Keep in mind, that fast is not always better when it comes to the effect of the placement. While you can probably arrange an IG LIVE pretty fast, the reach and value of a publication in an Ayurveda or Travel Journal might be a lot higher, even though it takes you longer to get there. As with everything in life, balance is key and a mix of short- and long-term measures the solution.
- sending press releases regularly
- journalist event
- fam trip
- Charity event
- Sponsoring
- Visits of editorial offices
- …
- Expert talk in a facebook group
- IG Live with others
- Podcast interview
- Guest blogging
- Clubhouse Interview with others
- …
6 hacks to implement PR yourself
1. Build your media list consciously
Do you regularly listen to podcasts with topics that are relevant to your target group? On a weekly basis, are you reading articles in Elephant Journal or your favorite blog? Try using this time even more mindfully. Research for authors and hosts, take a look at the formats and themes they publish and document all this information in your media list. That way you can develop your list step by step and avoid doing it all at the same time.
If you prefer to work in batches I recommend dedicating at least two to three days or even more to focus on creating your media list. The more detailed and accurate, the more successful your press work.
Make sure your media list is always up to date.
2. Establish journalist contacts
What applies to your community also applies when working with journalists: nourish your connections. Follow them on their main profiles, engage with them if possible so they know your name already before you send them something.
3. Engage with hosts and other authors
Are you targetting to speak in a podcast or to write a guest post? Engage with relevant blogs and podcast hosts, comment on their posts so they are aware of you when you pitch your topic. I have a lot more valuable tips for you on this topic on my IGTV about Guest Blogging.
4. Take advantage of local media and cooperations
Maybe it is your dream to appear in a big magazine or even on television. Along the way it can be quite impactful, to be published in local media. Use your local network, connect with media there and cooperate with other businesses. Oftentimes this local advantage brings you faster publications which is already a nice reference when targetting the “big ones”. Besides, it is a nice method to get in touch with your local community.
5. Stay up to date on trend topics
Media are only publishing if the topic is relevant for their target group. Stay informed about current trending subjects. One way to do that is by following #1. Once you are clear on the topic, think of an angle to include in your story.
6. Constistency
Same as with your content and social media strategy, it is essential for PR to integrate media relations as a fixed part of your communication. By connecting to your media contacts regularly, you build those relationships. Here is where your PR strategy sets in again. If you have scheduled regular media check-ins and press releases, it will feel a lot easier to consistently present your topics.
PR as element of a holistic strategy
PR, your content, and your business goals are all connected. Take time to plan all aspects together, rather than considering them one by one. That way your brand presence and communication will be more holistic. Other than that, you save a lot of time when it comes to implementing, and you will feel more aligned. Remember those brand foundations I wrote about at the beginning? They play the most important role when it comes to mapping out your strategies. They are the base of everything.
In my Brand Essence Program, you learn how to establish a solid brand foundation and how to develop a holistic content- and PR strategy out of that. In the PR Intensives, we take a look at your current situation and I provide you with the PR-knowledge you still require to develop your soul business.
Would you like to get support? Contact me here.
My bonus for you:
You have done your research, know your topic and are ready to create your first
press release? Download my free press release template here.
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